Sunday, December 27, 2009

So, I was sitting here tonight watching the second MIB. And I was thinking to myself can I remember the order of the planets? I then recalled the acronym that my mother taught be back in 5th grade, Mary Vest Eats Many Jelly Sandwiches Under Neighbors Porches.......wait a minute......Pluto isn't a planet anymore. Mary Vest Eats Many Jelly Sandwiches Under Neighbors? That's sounds awkward. I then spent the next ten minutes browsing the google machine looking for a newer acronym that the government might have admitted into common use before deciding to disown Pluto. There were none to be found. Obviously the government or Nasa didnt take this inconvenient lack of an acronym into account when they decided to cast off pluto as a simple mass of rotating rock in our solar system.

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