Sunday, December 27, 2009

So, I was sitting here tonight watching the second MIB. And I was thinking to myself can I remember the order of the planets? I then recalled the acronym that my mother taught be back in 5th grade, Mary Vest Eats Many Jelly Sandwiches Under Neighbors Porches.......wait a minute......Pluto isn't a planet anymore. Mary Vest Eats Many Jelly Sandwiches Under Neighbors? That's sounds awkward. I then spent the next ten minutes browsing the google machine looking for a newer acronym that the government might have admitted into common use before deciding to disown Pluto. There were none to be found. Obviously the government or Nasa didnt take this inconvenient lack of an acronym into account when they decided to cast off pluto as a simple mass of rotating rock in our solar system.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

So today my wife Jackie and I had our first doctors appointment to I guess, confirm that we were indeed pregnant. (since 8 pregnancy tests weren't obvious or decisive enough :S)

When we got there I met her doctor, Doctor Dunn. Now, Doctor Dunn is a tall attractive and very intelligent looking doctor. That aside, she has a very....distinct, not at all discreet mole on her forehead. Whilst conversing with her, I found myself struggling not to look at her and keep EYE contact while talking. HOWEVER, the awkwardness of the said mole was soon brought to the light when my 2 year old son Brenden, interrupted the Doctor in mid sentence and innocently pointed at the enlarged growth and asked "whats that on Ur face?" I don't think that i have ever turned that shade of red from someone ELSES comment in my life but I'm sure that it was shaded somewhere between blood red and stop sign.

The rest of the appointment went smoothly. We found out that Jackie is about 6 weeks pregnant. I started thinking, what happened 6 weeks ago trying to recall the .......(how to say this discreetly) encounter where we would have conceived. Then it hit me. Exactly 6 weeks ago was Jackie and my wedding. So.....I'm pretty sure that we are having a HONNEYMOON BABY!!!. Apparently that day i was feeling overzealous and overambitious about completing my life goals. Marriage, kids.....( i don't think that i completed any other lifelong goals)

So (as the fallowing picture will show, our baby itself is about the size of a grain of rice 4mm long. Its crazy but already in the ultrasound we can see a flicker in the middle of the "rice baby" and see the flutter of its cardiac system. Our baby already has a heartbeat. When I saw the flutter of life on the screen before me, I cant describe the feeling that overwhelmingly swept over me. I think that you have to be a parent to fully understand the feeling of pride, love, and compassion that sweeps over you when you first see your child.

Wow all of that for a flutter on the screen , and to think in 4 weeks i get to hear its heartbeat. I'm probably going to have a heart attack! That's all for now, if i don't get back on before Friday merry Christmas everyone!


Monday, December 14, 2009

I figured that I would start out this blog on a funny note- hope that you enjoyed that video from basic ;)